Monday, October 22, 2007


No, this post has nothing to do with sausage or chains, or the enduring hero of the Nintendo video game franchise. I've assembled all of three (3!) links that I thought some of you out there might enjoy. Why, pray tell? Because I can't really think of anything inspired to write. I could gripe about current affairs or the weather - two topics which are always good fodder for some rantin' - but I choose to give you these links. The first two are appropriate for this blog, seeing as they deal with work. The third one, well, it's just silly.

I love The Onion. No, not the erstwhile vegetable that makes you cry but the fake newspaper. The Onion is a brilliant satire that pokes fun at just about everything. You can usually pick up a free copy on the street of your local metropolis, or you can view the articles online at I've tried about seven false starts at a sentence describing what it is The Onion does and how they do it so brilliantly. But it's early. Too early. And my brain takes about nine hours to wake up. So instead, I'll let the article speak for itself:

Yes, there is a typo in the title. The article is not written by a Cro-Mangnon man (although that would not be unusual for The Onion). But isn't this true? Don't we always forget what day it is? for me, I always get Wednesday and Thursday mixed up, but in a good way. I usually think Thursday is Wednesday, and when I finally realize that Thursday is actually Thursday, I exalt in jubilation (redundant?) that the next day is Friday! And what's Wednesday then? It's some mysterious nebula, a mist that I aimlessly float in trying to figure out if I am alive or dead. It's also hump day.

Remember, it's early.

The Onion also has some neat graphs, lists, or charts. Because words are tiring. Pictures are much better! Here's a funny Stat-shot:

The second one is very true for me. Although (knock on wood) I haven't missed a day of work yet! There's a post in there, about sick, vacation, and personal days, which hopefuly I'll get to eventually.

Finally, I came across this article from the New York Times yesterday. It has nothing to do with work, but boy did I get a chuckle out of it. Now, some of you may claim that I am being intolerant of another race and culture, dismissing their seeming eccentricities as just that - a quirky, odd, and laughable characteristic that should not be taken seriously. Well, yes, I kind of am. I mean, c'mon. Look at the pictures. I do really respect the Japanese, though. And I would love to visit their wonderful island nation. Read the article to find out what I'm talking about.

I would love to see someone go up to the vending-machine-person and try to buy a drink.

Well, this has been a very, very long post (if you count all of the reading that I tried to make you do). So I'll end it here. Until next time.


Anonymous said...

I see several flaws in the Japanese disguises to hide from crime... namely the feet underneath the costume, that it's clearly made out of tarp, and the fact that when I got to get a refreshing Coke from the fake machine... yeah...

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT someone else besides me thought that article was hilarious??? ... I found it Sunday morning, extremely hungover, still wiping David Bowie makeup off my face, and there is no better hangover cure than a small japanese boy wearing a protective fire hydrant camoflage backpack. (If you haven't found the 'media slideshow' yet, please check it out).

ps. Hi Dan.

Anonymous said...

Great work.