Courtesy of Reading is fun!
Wow. Look around, everyone. Do you know what you're seeing? You are witnessing the first and last 10th post on this blog. It's been an incredible journey, one which we would no doubt like to erase from our memories. So many polls, so many links, so many innane ramblings of a sleep-deprived post-grad trying to make sense of the corporate grind.
So what to do for this momentous occasion? How about a list? Everyone likes lists, right? Well I do, so that's what you're getting.
It has been just over three months since I started working (another milestone, perhaps, but not as great an achievement as 10 posts) so I thought I would list ten things I've learned about working...thus far. And no, this list is in no particular order. Or is it?*
10. A cubicle is not a mini-office: Just because your cube is semi-enclosed does not mean you have privacy. You cannot nap, dance, exercise, or cry tears of rage and frustration without being noticed.
9. Elevators are fun: Zoom! Whoosh! Yippee! I am lucky enough to work in a building with fast, modern elevators. Sure, there are some elevators out there that are faster, but the ones I ride do a decent job of making me feel like I'm training for a NASA mission - if only for a second. The downsides: Stairs would be healthier and elevators make you get to work quicker.
8. Radiation does not give you superpowers: Even though my generation has spent enough time in front of the TV and especially the computer, I thought that maybe sitting in front of a monitor for seven hours a day might alter my DNA and give me special abilities. This has not happened. Yet.
7. Getting paid is great: Just when you get to the breaking point - the time when you say enough is enough, you throw off your tie, and prepare to march into your boss's office and do a jig on his or her desk announcing you quit - you get paid. Holy of holies! Miracle of miracles! People are giving you money to do mindless tasks that give you no spiritual fulfillment. Yes, the taxes smart like iodine on an open wound, but hey, you're still making money. You're in the black. You almost have enough to eat a meal a day, but you decide to buy that Panda robot you saw in a Sharper Image catalog. Life is good.
6. Sitting all day is not as relaxing as it sounds: Not surprisingly, sitting on your duff for hours on end puts you on the road to more sitting. Sitting makes you fat --> when you're fat you don't want to move --> you don't move when you sit --> repeat. It's not a good cycle, and what makes it worse is that you're never really relaxing. Yes, it beats standing all day, but moving every now and then is highly recommended.
Do you like cliffhangers? I have a love/hate relationship with them. But anyway, I'll save numbers 5-1 for the next post. Why? The answer to that will be included in next week's list. See you then.
And here's some shout outs to the people that vote on my polls and write me comments. If it wasn't for you I'd probably take up Sudoku or something. Thanks.
*It isn't.