Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thanks, Google!

In case you were unawares, Google is awesome. And I'm not just saying that because Google owns and operates Blogger, therefore allowing me to write this very blog for free. Free!

So why is Google awesome? They were rated the best company to work for (said Forbes or Worth or Money) , what with their wonderful stock and employee benefits. Apparently the Google offices have supreme break rooms with foozball and jacuzzis. For a semi-work related blog, I'm jealous. I wish I knew programming so I could get a sweet gig at one of the google Googles out there.

Another reason, and perhaps more apt for this blog, that Google rocks is because of the internet services they provide. And no, not just the search. I'm talking iGoogle, the customizable homepage. Now, I'll admit I'm way behind on...well...just about everything, but indulge me. The customizable homepage has everything an active slacker needs: up to the minute news regarding sports, entertainment, science, and news; jokes, quotes, The Onion headlines, YouTube video links, a Wikipedia search engine, and games! All on one page! You can spend hours clicking back and forth between Google News' "Top Stories" and "Popular" tags. They're slightly different! And you can choose between not one, not two, but maybe seventeen frustrating dirt bike mini-games. Google has taken some of the best of the internet and put it all together for you.

Here's a link! Wow!
(Well, I can't figure out how to work the link button. Or do lots of stuff)
Just go here:

While some may argue that Google is quickly swallowing the internet whole and will eventually create the Matrix, I argue that, for now, Google is a good way to not do work.

Clearly, I have very little to say. It's a sad state of affairs when all there is to comment on is Google. Here's a picture:

Soon people will be calling these "Googles"

What wonders of the internet can you share that will help us get through the day? Do you know how many zeroes a googleplex has? Is there something about your work that you would like to know/hear about?

Also, I have no idea how to get a blogroll or link other people or do anything snazzy. If you have ideas, suggestions, advice, or want to make sure your keyboard is still working, leave a comment. Thanks.

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