Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The First Post

Welcome, denizens of the internet. Thanks for taking some time while you glide through the blogosphere to visit my little space.

I'm at work right now researching some blogs and I realized, "Hey, if every stay at home mom with an overzealous love for her five cats and knitting ability can blog, so can I." So out of boredom, coupled with an insatiable need to be loved and shunned at the same time, blogging seemed like the perfect idea.

This blog is for all of you out there who are toiling away in the workforce, be it in the corporate world, manual labor, and anything in between. It is for all of you trying to make it through the day, watching the clock, counting the seconds and the pennies that will fall into your piggy bank, only to be yanked out right away. For those of you who may, like me, be bored and restless, not content with the career path you are trying to navigate. This is also for you who searched "Salt" or "Miner" hoping for something better. And isn't that like everyone? Hoping for something better? Well, until that something comes, here's this.

What is a salt mine? If you have to ask, you're probably not very bright. A salt mine is exactly what it sounds like: a place to mine salt. Yes, not all salt comes from the sea or Baby Jesus' tears. Some salt comes from the ground. For more, thrilling information, go here:

There's a picture, a thing I hope to have more of.

And if you have to ask what a salt miner is, I am surprised you have enough motor skills to have made it to this blog.

Why a salt mine? Because they were used for punishment; where slaves went to work in an endless hell of monotony and danger; a soul sucking pit of despair to appease their not-salty-enough overlords. Did anyone see Ben-Hur with Charlton Heston? I know, it's like five hours long and people only care about the horsies and the "Truly you are the Son of Man" line (see: The Simpsons "A Star Is Burns"). But remember that scene where Ben is down in the salt mines? Unpleasant business.

I wanted to get a picture of Charlton Heston in the mine, but all I found were these:

(Thanks, Google, for the images)
(Which one should be the main pic for this blog?)

So why the Salt Miner? Because I thought Rat Racer was a little too grimy for my taste (although cool sounding). Sidenote: does rat race mean a race of rats on a track, or rats racing in a maze to find the cheese? Both? Or neither? And please, try not to comment on the movie - Cuba Gooding Jr. should not be getting work. But the Salt Miner more resembles the working man because, well, he more resembles a man. While there may be a big, honkin piece of cheese out there for some, most of us plebeians simply work because we have to. Once you realize the cheese-money will always be there and never enough, you come to understand that all there that's left to do is hack away the salt.


What is this blog about then? I'm not sure. This may be the only post. As you may have already guessed, I know next to nothing about blogging, html, xml, shtml, C++, and loads of other techno-jargon, so if I do continue, hopefully this will look prettier. Hopefully I won't get caught blogging so much and get canned. Hopefully I will embed videos and have links and other goodies. Maybe I'll even have something insightful or funny (or both!) to say.

Work sucks and I'm sorry if blogging about it does too.

So until I get some real work to do, or have something better to say, keep punching those time cards. And each other.

1 comment:

Campbell said...

I love it!!! Keep it up!! This is great, and I can completely relate (this is why you should have come traveling with me last year...instead of you missed it!). However, i found a cool new game online that i get to choose aircraft, and i have missions, and i have to choose what weapons i want, and i get to go out and take over airfields, shoot down planes, blow up trains, and kill tanks. It's fun times...alright, i'm off