Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day

Well, it's been a little while. That's because yesterday was Labor Day, the day we celebrate working by doing the exact opposite. The three-day weekend signals the beginning of the Fall season, which means no more wearing white, no more barbeques, and the new TV season is almost here.

It also means that it will get dark, cold, and work should start to pick up. Thinking about the oncoming dredgery gives me pause and causes a general malaise to overcome my body. So, in the spirit of the impending doom and gloom, here is a list of things that otherwise irk me or cause general discomfort in my life:

Making a left turn when driving.
Loud neighbors.
Slow people.
Climate change.
Calling Global Warming "Climate Change."
Waking up when it's still dark.
Alarm clocks.
When stores begin promoting holidays months before they arrive. I was in the supermarket over the weekend and they already had a whole candy display for Halloween. That's two months away! It used to be that the Christmas season started the day after Thanksgiving, but now it will probably start on Columbus Day. Or before. I mean really. What's that about?

This pic wasn't from the weekend, but it still somewhat fits.
Anyways, back to the list.
Car commercials.
Unnecessary sequels or remakes.
When there is no seating available for lunch and your company doesn't have a cafeteria or open rooms.
Working for the weekend.

How about you? What do you find irritating and annoying? And if you say "this blog," congratulations, you win a free paper-clip. While supplies last.

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