Monday, January 7, 2008

Back from Vacation

Hi everyone. I'm back. I've been on vacation and using my sick days to take time off. Necessary time off. I only get 10 vacation days this year, which doesn't seem like much (to me at least). Vacation was a nice rest and it's sad to come back to work. Gone are the days of month long winter breaks. No more will I have a week off come mid-spring. Summer vacation? What's that? College offered the most time off, but high school still had enough lengthy vacation time to make me now realize I'll probably never have that again. A stupid realization, really, since it shouldn't come as much of a surprise. But with the New Year the cold, hard fact of living in a new phase of my life has solidified even greater.

Maybe this is common for all graduates during their first year out. Maybe come May the cycle will be complete and I will have fully shed my previous, educational calendar mindset. Probably not. I'm sure everyone wistfully remembers and longs for the more innocent time of their youths, when an end was always in sight and the next step would only be some years away. Now, however, there is no end in sight. What is the end? A promotion? Switching jobs? Changing careers? Retirement? The big sleep? Or do I look the other way to find some kind of solace - scheduled vacation, federal holidays, weekends, quitting time, lunch hour, coffee break? Either way, it's not too comforting. Maybe I should just have a different mindset when it comes to work. Instead of looking forward to when I won't be working, maybe it would make more sense to look forward to when I am working. Another obvious, stupid realization. But how to make that happen?

I don't have the answer now, but I'm working on it.

Happy New Year.

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