Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is this the end of the Salt Miner? Stay tuned!

What a sensational headline! Could you hear the dramatic organ music? Can you feel the suspense?!

So I haven't had a post in around a week. That's not to say I don't have material - I certainly do. Like Adventures in Jury Duty Selection, First Time Back at Alma Mater, and, coming this week, Company Christmas Party. So why the sudden drop off the face of the earth? Well, some two reasons: One, work has picked up a bit, not giving me ample time to give you, dear reader, the quality blog posts you so deserve; and Two, I've been able to take a later train, therefore getting me to the office later, and thusly not giving me the window of time where I could calmly and cooly write the posts you, gentle reader, so demand.

Have I succumbed to the whim of my working masters? Have they beaten me down, ground my spirit into the carpeted floor of my cubicle (no, it's not plush or fancy carpet)? Well, not really. But let's face it - a little. It's hard to write a blog in the middle of the working day, when suspicious eyes float down the halls and peer at my computer screen (that actually doesn't happen...I think). If you recall my first post I never promised or expected to keep this going for long. In fact, I'm pretty amazed I've gotten this far.

So is this the end? Probably not. I'm writing this, aren't I? But for the time being, any posts I have may be shorter and with less pictures. Possibly no pictures. And they will be really short posts and probably more sporadic. Oh well.

Thanks for reading.


The Usual Oddball said...

Dan. I feel alone in cyberspace. Of course, I havn't updated mine in.. well... geez. Awhile. But I also don't feel personally offended when you don't update regularly. I suppose if I was personally offended, it would say something about my own psychosis rather than about your blog.

I guess I'm trying to say that you shouldn't give it up just yet. Even if I am your only reader (although I bet if you bought a crocheted Jack Sparrow Cupcake, you could ratchet your readership up to that girl, as well).

Anonymous said...

Daniel!! Don't stop writing!! I need this break in the middle of my day! Especially when i'm sick and feeling ridiculously crappy! I want to know about the jury duty, i want to know how many girls you made out with at your christmas party (and how many others you turned away)...hopefully christina isn't reading this...if she is, hi! As you can tell, i'm doped up on all sorts of meds for this damn cold and my asthma. I'll stop now, but you better not stop!

Anonymous said...

Dan Cabrera, please do not stop writing!!! As the person who was there with you when you first got back to your Alma Mater and the person who told you not to skip jury duty, I think the rest of the cyber world needs to hear your stories. Also, what am I going to read at work if you stop writing????