Monday, November 19, 2007

Giving Thanks

Ah yes, Thanksgiving. The time of year when friends, family, and loved ones gather round the table and give thanks for the many blessings in their lives. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I will list what I am thankful for.
1. I'm thankful that I have a job - There are many benefits that come with having a job, such as income, health insurance, and a neat little name tag that gets me onto my floor. And thanks to my job I'm not bored sitting at home. Instead of learning a new language, learning how to play an instrument, doing exercise, or seeing the world - I get to work! Thank goodness. What's that? I can do those things even while working a full-time job? Thanks for the tip. Jerk.
2. Thanks for reading this blog. I'm sorry I called you a jerk. I'll take your advice and try to broaden my horizons. Thanks. And thanks for posting comments, it's great to hear what you think. There are so many other blogs and websites out there, I know mine might seem a little simple, a little mundane. So that's why I thank you personally, all six of you, for stopping by.
3. I'm thankful that I can buy things - Like this turkey cake pan from Williams Sonoma. The finished product is seen above. I love cake.
4. I am thankful that Dan Aykroyd is still getting work - Is anyone else super exited for this? I'm pumped. I love Ghostbusters. It may be my favorite movie. Apparently the game is a sequel, a legitimate entry in the series. It just happens to be a video game. The original cast is supposedly on board to do voice work, and the script of the game was written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. The game hits stores late next year. Now only if they would bring back Hi-C Ectocooler, my life would be complete.
5. I'm thankful for water coolers - Free water! What a concept! Water coolers give me cool, pure cups of refreshing, cleansing H20. A trip to the water cooler also takes time away from working (kind of like this blog). And that's always a good thing.
6. Thanks for the memories - I just wanted to say that. I have a terrible memory. Don't expect me to remember your name. Or that I even met you.
7. Thanks for vacation days - In Europe they have mandatory 35 hour work weeks. There is a minimum of two weeks paid vacation. We're lucky that we don't have to work on the weekends. So when that vacation day comes around it seems like your CEO gives you a back massage and a bowl of rare tropical fruit, just to say thanks. Thank you, friendly cabana-boy CEO.
Well, that's about all my fragile little mind can muster right now. What are you thankful for? What are you not thankful for? How many times did I use "thank?" Happy Thanksgiving!


The Usual Oddball said...

holy eff you did NOT link my HC blog to yours. genuis. i salute you.

hey you know something? you should come visit. i have a cozy couch with your name on it. okay, what i really have is a narrow dorm-regulation couch that will give you back cramps in the morning-- but with blankets! and maybe pillows!
... seriously you should come hang one of these days, i miss you!

The Usual Oddball said...

of course you can link to this blog! you can bring my readership up to... two? word. amen.

Anonymous said...

H20? Are you able to get something with 20 hydrogen atoms and no oxigen from a water cooler? Wow! It should make you fly, if not explode! (I think this may be a mis-typed H2O).

Anyway, great blog, as usual!